In any fitness journey, it’s not just about working out, growing muscle, being active, and sweating. Proper nutrition and a proper diet are also important components of a successful fitness program.
Every person is different, and so is their diet. Several common nutrition problems need to be addressed that may vary for each person. These common nutrition problems are also known as nutritional deficiencies.
Nutritional Deficiency
Nutritional deficiency occurs when a person’s body does not absorb enough nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, from the food they eat daily. These common nutritional deficiencies differ from person to person.
If you’re an aspiring personal trainer, you can get your personal trainer certification online, and keep in mind the following nutrition deficiency that your potential clients may have:
Calcium deficiency
Every cell in your body requires calcium, especially the bones, to function properly. It helps to mineralize bones and teeth and is crucial for maintaining good bone health.
Postmenopausal women are at a higher risk of calcium deficiency because they lose bone mass more quickly and don’t absorb calcium as effectively as males or younger women. Lactose intolerance and people who don’t get enough calcium from their meals, particularly milk, are common to have a calcium deficiency.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
B12 is necessary for the creation of blood and DNA and is important to the function of the brain and nerves.
A lack of specific proteins in the stomach or the removal of the end of the small intestine, where vitamin B12 is absorbed, can cause vitamin B12 insufficiency.
Iron Deficiency
Iron is required by the body to produce the oxygen-carrying proteins hemoglobin and myoglobin, which are found in red blood cells and muscles.
Iron deficiency can be caused by a lack of iron-rich diets, poor iron absorption, or iron loss from excessive blood loss, as well as during developmental phases such as puberty, pregnancy, or lactation. Iron deficiency is most common in young children and pregnant women.
Magnesium Deficiency
All cells in the human body require magnesium. Magnesium aids in the conversion of food into energy, as well as the regulation of the nervous system and the production of new proteins.
Excessive alcohol drinking, old age, diabetes, breastfeeding, and pregnant women are common to have a magnesium deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts in the body like a steroid hormone. Vitamin D receptors can be found in almost every cell in your body.
When your skin is exposed to sunshine, it produces vitamin D from cholesterol. As a result, those living far away from the equator are more likely to be deficient in vitamin D.
Contact The National Personal Training Institute
If you’re thinking about becoming a personal trainer, don’t neglect the importance of your clients’ diet and nutrition. You must understand a variety of factors and proper diet and nutrition should be incorporated at the top of your training program.
The National Personal Training Institute will not only provide you with the appropriate personal training plans but also with all of the necessary knowledge about a good diet and nutrition. Our personal trainer certification classes in Maryland or other U.S locations are now available. Contact us today