Sling Training Course - Become a Certified Instructor - National Personal Training Institute

Sling Training Course – Become a Certified Instructor




Sling Training is a type of body weight exercise in which a
variety of multiplanar, compound exercise movements can be performed. These
are done with the aim of developing strength, balance, flexibility & joint
stability simultaneously.

  • Sling Training Certification
  • 3 hours of live instruction
  • Sling Training Book
  • Hands-on experience with industry terminology
  • Insight into the rationale behind each exercise and accompanying cues
  • Mastery of setup and positioning with various sling/strap equipment
  • Precision in hand placement for optimal performance
  • Guidance on integrating sling exercises into existing workouts
  • Comprehensive coverage of exercise progressions and regressions
  • Over 35 exercises taught, practiced, and shared among peers

Hosted virtually on Zoom by the National Personal Training Institute. 

Date/Time: Saturday, July 20, 2024 | 9:30 am CST – 12:30 pm CST

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