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by Casey McIlvaine

When looking for the projected fitness trends for 2015 there are few places to get a better gauge on what will be hot than the American College of Sports Medicine, which recently announced its predictions. They appear in the article “Worldwide Survey of Fitness Trends for 2015: What’s Driving the Market,” which was published in ACSM’s Health and Fitness Journal. Here are just a few of the trends from their top ten for 2015.

Body Weight Training

Body Weight Training first appeared at the number three spot on the survey in 2013 and has become the top trend this year. These strength training exercises are characterized by utilizing the resistance of the person’s own weight rather than any piece of equipment. Despite the name, these exercises are the foundation of any exercise routine and commonly used by every personal trainer for a majority of their clients. They include push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups among others, so it’s clear to see why they are so popular.Yoga girl

High-Intensity Interval Training

Despite not being ideal for everyone that’s looking to lose weight or get healthy due to health restrictions, High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) came in second on the list for big trends in 2015 from first place last year. HIIT is characterized by short bursts of activity followed by a short rest or recovery. Typically, these workouts are performed in 30 minutes or less. Strength HIIT workout examples include squats, push-ups and burpees for 20 seconds with a 10-second rest period between sets and repeat of the cycle for eight times.

Educated and Experienced Fitness Professionals

Rising obesity rates and an aging baby boomer population are just two factors fueling the growth of the desire for fitness professionals. Many have moved beyond the organized gym to the workplace, vacation spots, cruise lines, retirement communities and youth activity organizations where they provide guidance in exercise, nutrition, and healthy eating habits that connect the mind and body for total lifestyle changes.

Strength Training

Strength training has gradually moved beyond the myths of just being for bulking up and body builders to an integral part of any successful weight loss and health maintenance routine. The trend of combining strength training using weight training resistance band and body weight training with aerobic exercises is becoming the combination to beat for everyone that wants to burn the most calories, and develop lean muscle to get healthy and stay healthy in mind and body.


Yoga has been a constantly growing if sometimes misunderstood health trend that brings together mind, body, and spirit. yoga-exerciseAlthough there are a number of poses that are suitable for the novice to master that bring greater balance, strength and flexibility, it is geared to lifelong pursuit with increasingly difficult postures. With so many forms of Yoga, its millions of practicing enthusiasts as well as its often meditative and calming qualities for the mind, it is a fitness trend that shows no signs of growth stagnation in 2015 and beyond.

Functional fitness

This trend is often associated with older adults, so with the baby boomer generation beginning to live with multiple chronic conditions it is the perfect exercise companion in terms of adaptability. It is characterized by exercises that replicate actual physical activities that an average person would engage in throughout the day. It is defined as a form of exercise that utilizes modified strength training to improve balance, coordination, force, power, and endurance to enhance an individual’s ability to perform activities of daily living.

The list actually goes to 20 and includes the trends that have dropped from the list in 2015. The list has a number of comments from international experts in fitness regarding the trends for this year. These comments provide some further insights as to why these are top trends for 2015, the efficacy of its accuracy, and items that they felt should have been on the list.

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