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by Liz Bowen

Because of hectic schedules, food and drink that encourages overindulgence as well as other factors, it can be difficult to stay fit during the holidays. Here are some simple suggestions that will make it easier to stay on track in terms of workout routines, eating habits and activities that will help you stay fit during the holidays.

christmas-dinner-plateGetting motivated to stick to workout routines is always a casualty of the holidays, so consider finding a workout buddy for the holiday season so that you can help keep each other on track and motivated. Scheduling a longer walk before or after dinner as well as shopping trips with longer walks through the mall or from store to store can help to supplement the routines, especially if you miss one.

There are always plenty of fun runs during the holidays so seek them out, sign up, and get moving. The winter months are a great time to expand your exercise activities. Try spicing things up with fun activities like snow shoeing or hiking. If you live in a warmer climate, you have no excuse not to get out for a good bike ride, go mountain biking or indulge in a good game of touch football with family and friends.

Nutritionally, there are way too many temptations for eating poorly during the holidays, so, in addition to using moderation, drink lots of water every day. This is especially important to have a nice glass of water before you eat to decrease the cravings and help you to eat moderately.

There are some great healthy vegetables and fruits that are abundant during the holidays such a persimmons, apples, pears, beets, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, and winter squash.

Take advantage of them as snacks or as supplements to health smart meals or in winter soups.

The holidays are a time to have fun with family and friends so don’t hesitate to get outside and have an old fashioned snowball fight, head to the ice skating rink or go sledding. The trick to staying fit during the holidays is not unlike the rest of the year. Just stay active as much as possible and have fun whenever you can through movement.




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