In today’s world, when it comes to losing weight, being healthy and eating right, many of us have been fed a bad impression on carbs. We want to lose weight, so we shouldn’t be eating carbs, right? Wrong! When it comes to losing weight, increasing your energy, as well as improving your health long-term, consuming good carbs is a great way to do it.
But, what are “good” carbs, you ask? Your body uses carbs for energy production, so it’s imperative that you’re still consuming some form of carbohydrates, even when trying to lose weight. Consuming natural, wholesome carbs, which your body is designed to ingest, is healthy for you. Eating highly-processed refined carbs is what you want to avoid.
So, here are some examples of good carbs for you to eat to help you with your dietary and health goals. The best kind of carbohydrates are green vegetables. High in fiber, these leafy green veggies—as well as many high-fiber fruits—are at the top of the list of the good carbs to eat.
Other examples of good carbs are beans and legumes, as well as many raw nuts and seeds. And, whole-grain foods, such as whole-grain breads, pasta, and cereal are also considered to be among the good carbs that you should be eating.
When you go grocery shopping, you should keep these characteristics in mind. Keep the following in mind:
- Is this a good source of fiber?
- Is it low on the glycemic index?
- Is it high in nutrients?
Knowing the examples of good carbs and what kinds of carbs are the best to put in your body will go a long way in helping you to lose weight and be a healthier person. When it comes to your diet, being conscious of nutritional value is of the utmost importance.