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by Casey McIlvaine

New Years Resolutions for Your BodyOne of the most popular, go-to New Year’s resolutions is to head to the gym and lose those extra pounds. But just because losing weight is a popular resolution doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best option for you. Perhaps the best resolution may be to take a closer look into your life and determine what attribute of your lifestyle requires revamping.

Not everyone needs to lose weight; maybe getting stronger or eating healthier would work better for you. Or it could be your lack of sleep is affecting your lifestyle. Have you been appropriately dealing with your stress? “Losing weight” is often an umbrella term. Pinpointing smaller and more specific goals not only keeps your resolution realistic, but also allows you to tweak the things that really are affecting your health. However, if weight loss is your goal, be sure to approach it in a healthy manner.

We’re now two weeks into 2014. It’s important that you set up an obtainable and realistic track to follow in order to reach your goals. Today we’ll share additional resolutions to keep in mind other than just losing weight, as well as the benefits of committing to these resolutions.

  • Weight Loss – If this is your resolution, go about in a healthy way and stick to it! Health experts agree – you will reap health benefits by even a small weight loss, as this can improve your quality of life and prevent weight-related illness. According to Weight-control Information Network, “the key to successful weight loss is making changes in your eating and physical activity habits that you can keep up with for the rest of your life.” There’s more to losing weight than dieting – it’s following a road to healthy habits.
  • Eating Healthy Food – What goes hand-in-hand with losing weight? Eating healthy food is a resolution that regardless of whether or not you’re trying to lose weight, is a beneficial lifestyle change. Following the USDA’s MyPlate suggestions can boost energy and metabolism as well as provide balanced nutrients to fuel your body. These include: focusing on fruits, varying vegetables, eating half whole grains, consuming lean proteins, and making sure to eat calcium-rich foods.
  • Manage Stress – Sometimes you pack on extra pounds because you’re not managing stress properly; instead you may be stress eating. Try other outlets to unwind, such as talking to a friend or family member, going for a walk, or taking a relaxing bath.
  • Help Others – One of the best ways to feel good is by helping others. Sometimes giving back is all you need to improve you life; not to mention, it may be all someone else needs to help theirs. There are many great organizations always looking for volunteers to assist.

New Years is not the only time resolutions can be made. Work on improving your mind and body year-round. Think about what your body really needs – as it may be something deeper than just shedding a few pounds. Instead, take a step back, evaluate your life, and see what areas will truly help you feel and look your healthiest.

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