Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time to celebrate with friends and family. Unfortunately, it can also become a time for overeating and weight gain. According to a study conducted by the National Institute of Health, on average U.S. adults tend … Continued

20 Ways to Add More Movement Into Your Day

With advancements in modern technology, our lives have become very sedentary, especially in comparison to our parents or grandparents lives. The decrease in physically active is a major factor in the widespread weight gain and increases the risk of developing … Continued

The Benefits of Cross Training

In the pursuit of gaining strength, building endurance and improving our overall health, utilizing every method at your disposal will help you achieve these goals sooner. Too often we become fixated on one endeavor and quickly find ourselves in a … Continued

Top Reasons People Fail With Their Fitness Programs

Achieving fitness goals takes time, dedication, effort and a plan. Developing new healthy habits that will help loose fat or gain muscles are generally slow processes to which there are no quick fix solutions. People are generally interested in the … Continued

7 Habits Used by Successful Personal Trainers

Challenging yourself to be the best that you can be is an important part to being a successful personal trainer. The fitness industry is one that is very competitive and constantly advancing. Getting on top of this industry takes more … Continued

How to Run an Effective Fitness Consultation

Often initial consultations between personal trainers and potential clients can be awkward and uncomfortable, especially for trainers who are new or lack experience. Running an effective consultation takes skill and confidence in your work. Potential clients frequently enter a consultation … Continued

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